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... 本文【音頻】請移至文末領取 以上音頻由《英語周報》口語主播丁浩錄製,小編在這裡誠意推薦由丁浩主講的兩套音標課程: 【1小時突破音標重難點】 1. 由《英語周報》口語主播丁浩主講,著重講解48個國際音標中易混音標、易錯音標的正確讀法。 2. 音頻課程,共9個課時,音融於詞,詞融於句。 3. 粉絲優惠價39.9元,少喝一杯奶茶就能擁有。 【5分鐘輕鬆搞定英語音標】 1. 由《英語周報》口語主播丁浩主講,每節課5分鐘,只講一個音標,讓你迅速掌握每個音標發音要領。 2. 視頻課程,身臨其境,口型易模仿,48個音標48節課,輕鬆學習無壓力。 ... Your educational journey is going to be hard. I can promise you that. There are two paths you can take, the easy road or the hard road. 我可以很確定地告訴你,你的求學過程,將會困難重重。你有兩條路可選,容易的路,或者困難的路。 If you choose the hard road, it means you choose to study when your friends are out partying. You start writing your report when the rest of the class don't even know the deadline yet. You're already awake at 5:00 a.m. on your way to the library when the rest of your friends are still sleeping. 如果你選擇了困難的路,這就意味著,朋友們盡情歡樂時,你要選擇努力學習;其他同學還不知道截止日期時,你已經開始寫作業;凌晨五點,朋友們還在沉睡時,你已經起床出門,朝著圖書館走去。 If you can find enough focus and motivation to do these hard things, the things that everyone else struggles with, then your educational journey will be easy. 如果你有足夠的專注力、足夠的動力來做這些讓大家覺得痛苦的事,那麼,你的求學過程將會變得容易。 The grades will be easy. The scholarships will be easy. But it's a choice that you have to consciously make. You have to step up and take that path. And it will be lonely at times. It will feel like you're the only one doing this. 成績很容易變好,獎學金很容易到手。但是,你要自覺地做出這個選擇。你必須加快腳步,踏上這條道路。有時,你會感到孤獨,好像,這些事,只有你自己在做。 ... But that's the whole point. The whole idea of this is to be standing at the top of the mountain, while everyone else is still at the bottom, because you took the path that so many people are unwilling to take. 但是,這才是有意義的地方。你這麼努力,就是為了站在頂端,其他人只能仰望你,因為你選擇了別人不願選擇的路。 Okay, so you know where you want to be, at the top of that mountain, but why aren't you there yet? Why is it that you're stopping yourself from getting there? 所以,你已經很清楚,自己想成為站在頂端的人,但是,為什麼你還沒做到? Why is it that you just settle for the grades that you're getting? Because doing well at school and university, it's not easy. It's difficult to get good grades. It takes a lot of focus, a lot of sacrifice, a lot of late nights and early mornings. 為什麼你一直無法達到這個高度?為什麼你滿足於現有的成績?因為,在求學生涯中,無論是小學、中學還是大學,要想變得優秀,都是有難度的。想取得好成績,這不容易。你要很專注,要犧牲很多,要早起晚睡。 But it's absolutely worth it. You are in charge of the life you live, and when you're in charge, you study hard, regardless of how you're feeling, whether you're feeling lazy, tired, stressed, frustrated, bored, it doesn't matter. This doesn't stop you. 但是,這一切都是值得的。你的人生,你自己說了算。如果你能把握自己的人生,無論自己感受如何、心情如何,都沒關係。就算你感到懶惰、疲憊、壓力大、沮喪、倦怠,也都沒關係。這一切,都無法阻止你。 ... (文字內容來自網絡綜合整理,音頻內容系作者原創。) 責編 | 楊寧 審稿 | 李棟 校稿 | 呂放 請記得關注、點讚、轉發、收藏。 想要獲取本期節目音頻mp3,點擊右上角關注我們,主頁私信回覆:我要音頻 點擊左下方【了解更多】,免費獲取音標試聽課! ...









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